Thursday, December 30, 2010

Random Crap in one post!

   Since about Monday The LO has started showing his wonderful symptoms of the common cold, to add to the coughing, sneezing, and nasal congestion, he is beyond moody! OH MY why can't he just sleep all day??  Yesterday I start feeling tired and sleepy and nauseas, The 2 days prior just a little tingling in my throat letting me know "IT" was coming. Well Yesterday and Today have been hell The LO wakes up Normally plays normally but during naps he wont sleep because his nose is stuffy! His coughing wakes him up and he ONLY wants to sleep next to me/on top of me. Last night he crawled over the blanket inbetween my legs so i could not move pull the covers NOTHING. Today he is super bratty, moody, and throwing Tantrums, God help me!  It doesn't help that all I want to do is lay in bed and sleep, I dont even want to eat, and anytime  I do it I get sick, so Until the nausea goes away its water or gingerale.

   Moving on, Tommorow is the 31st the last Day of 2010! I cannot believe this year is over, I cannot say I'm sad to see it go, 2010 didn't really have much to offer me. It has been one headache after another. Thankfully we have made it through it all, and I do thank god for one more year of life he has given us.

  What to do to say goodbye to 2010? Well for starters the Mr. is getting his First FULL big Paycheck today, THANK GOD! Last week it was only 2 days worth of check but today we get the big one... I will be welcoming the new year with New everything! a Mani- Pedi, a brazilian, new shoes, a new haircut ( I cut 5 inches off I almost cried My hair was so long But luckily it is still almost half way down my back) New Make up and even some new Toys (compliments of EdenFantasys)

  2 New Reviews Coming your way. I received an email from EdenFantasys offering me an assignment and I accepted it the next day, and 3 hours after accepting it I received another, so I will be starting 2011 with some new Toys, and in good time too! So much frustration has been building up as we get ready to move YET AGAIN! Ugh hopefully no more moving for another year, god willing.

1 comment:

  1. Our little one has managed to make it to our bed the past 2 nights too! He has a cough along with the older boys, no bueno!

    5 inches! 1 more inch and you could have donated to locks of love!

    Nice to hear you get all new shit! yay!
    I'm a broke bitch so staying home to say goodbye to 2010! but with family so that always rocks my balls :)

    Have a great one!
    Bring on the New Year!

