Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Canceled Vacation and a Drug test

   Passed My Drug test for Pre employment screening, Not that I was Worried, I was just hoping it wouldn't take the full 3 days to get the results, now we just await the results of My Background check and that is all.

   Hubby Can not find record of his immunizations! the Navy kept all his Important military records and medical records and gave him the bogus crap no body needs, or wants soooo, Now he has to get most of that done  all over again because we can not get a hold of his records and his current employer needs them which sucks!

   So As the Mr. and I had decided we went in today to pick another car and well we did and then decided that the previously decided upon car was too expensive and well the 2nd choice was not attractive at all, and decoded on a Blue car not royal blue not dark blue not even light blue its a very weird blue... The white car we bought monday I have grown to Like since white was never my first choice! But the color has grown On me....

   Summer Puerto Vacation ( for me anyway) is Canceled! the Mr. and LO will proabbly be traveling without me since I Will still be going through My 90 day probation period at work!  Now on trying to get the money back lol if not i will try and have the dates changed for september when we can go for the Mr.s Birthday! atleast my plane ticket!

1 comment:

  1. I think there's nothing to worry about drug testing if you're confident that you didn't take any drugs. However, there are some components of substances that are present with other stuff that we take in, like food or medicine. So you better conduct a research about such products, and avoid them temporarily to prevent false-positive results.

    Tasha @ESS
